There’s nothing quite like listening to “Crazy He Calls Me”
as the sun rises over an abandoned highway. A radioactive scorpion could attack
at any moment, sure, but when Billie Holiday is in your ears, the end of the
world doesn’t seem so bad.
The Fallout games are collision points of two disparate
forces. On one hand, you have a role-playing game set during a horrific future
in which nuclear war has decimated the population, forcing humans to become
scavengers, fighting to survive alongside mutants and monsters. On the other
hand, there’s hope. Hope comes from trying to not just live in this awful
place, but thrive. Hope resides in Fallout’s 1950’s retro-futurism, an
alternate timeline where humankind was on the precipice of a technological
revolution that would improve life across the planet — only to be squashed by
warheads. War never changes, and hope never really disappears.
Fallout 4, the latest game in the series and the first since
New Vegas in 2010, shows off this duality more than any predecessor.
Fundamentally, it’s not that different from Fallout 3, the game that
transformed the series from an isometric RPG to a first-person shooter /
role-playing hybrid. Fallout 4 still takes place in a huge open world, provides
you with an incredible amount of freedom with which to customize your
character, and throws you into dangerous scenarios cast with immoral baddies.
The game also features the series’ infamous technical problems, with frustrating
glitches and bugs that often pull you out of the experience at best, and at
worst, lose hard-won progress.
But all of that — the world, the characters, even the bugs —
are table setting at this point. What Fallout 4 adds to the series is heart.
For the first time I really cared about what happened in the story, and found
myself struggling with its moral dilemmas. I still spent dozens of hours
tweaking my guns and killing feral ghouls, but this time, it felt like I was
doing it for a reason.
Fallout 4 actually starts before the war. You play as a
civilian turned vault dweller, literally frozen in time via cryogenic stasis,
only to awaken hundreds of years later in this terrible future. At the outset,
you have only one goal: find your kidnapped son. This directive pulls you
across the entirety of post-war Boston, an area known as The Commonwealth, and,
in typical Fallout fashion, into a story that expands to encompass more than
just your personal struggle. You’ll deal with familiar groups, including the
technology-obsessed Brotherhood of Steel, as well as new entities, like the
mysterious and feared Institute. You’ll engage in massive, multi-faction
battles and travel to a literal radioactive sea. In most games, this kind of
epic quest is an assumed part of the genre, even if it’s not exactly believable
or motivated. But in Fallout 4 it makes total sense: who wouldn’t travel to the
end of the world to save their child?

Like the repurposed ballpark, Fallout 4 builds upon the
familiar to create something new and strange. Chief among these new elements is
the hardboiled detective vibe: one early line of quests has you partnering with
a stereotypical gumshoe named Nick Valentine in the search for your son. These
were some of my favorite parts of the game. Most Fallout quests are primarily
about going somewhere and killing a bunch of people (or monsters), but the
detective element is a welcome change to the familiar format. Similarly,
Fallout 4’s narrative has a strong emphasis on synths, human-like androids that
were only briefly touched on in past games. Their inclusion raises some
expected but still fascinating questions about what constitutes life and
sentience, things that will feel familiar to Blade Runner fans.
Neither of these additions are especially original on their
own, but feel fresh within Fallout. They also help contribute to arguably the
best story in the series to date. One moment you’re decorating a small home in
the corner of the suburbs, the next you’re making decisions that will impact
what remains of the world. The Fallout games always give you the option to
align with particular interests, whether it’s a technologically advanced squad
like the Brotherhood or the mysterious Railroad, but it feels more pronounced
and important here. I spent most of Fallout 4 trying to play it safe, working
with all sides, but as the climax approached I was forced to pick a side, and I
genuinely struggled with my choice. This is Fallout, so it’s never really clear
who is good and who is bad, and no matter what you’re forced to betray someone.
Of course the main story of a Fallout game is just the
beginning of its adventure. Players will spend dozens if not hundreds of hours
discovering what else the wasteland has to offer. Fallout 4 plays a lot like
its predecessors, blending elements of FPS and RPGs into something that’s not
quite either. You explore the world from a first-person perspective (you can
switch to third person, but I wouldn’t recommend it) and attack as you would in
any other shooter. But the returning VATS system also affords the option to
play Fallout 4 like a pseudo turn-based game. VATS slows time, so that you can
zoom in on enemies and determine the best shot to take. Your ability to do this
is limited, and recharges over time, but it’s really the best way to play since
Fallout isn’t the most capable shooter, with its frustrating aiming. The poor
feel of shooting is most obvious when facing a swell of enemies without enough
VATS points to guide your shots.
The companions, more than any other feature, suffered from
these technical problems. During one early sequence, I had to follow a dog who
was tracking someone’s scent, and he continually got stuck on trees and rocks,
and at one point wouldn’t progress because he was distracted by a flying mutant
bug that was too high for him to attack. I managed get him back on the trail
after I spotted the tiny bug high up in the air, and shot it out of the sky.
Other times, companions refused to follow me into battle, yet mysteriously
showed up minutes later when I took an elevator to a different section of the
But it’s still very much Fallout — a game that doesn’t
really need to change all that much to trigger that familiar mix of dread and
joy. A new location and a much better story were enough to pull me into this
world, and 60 hours later I’m not done with it. There are settlements I still
want to finish building, and crimes I still need to get to the bottom of. At
some point I plan to ignore everything altogether, and just wander into the
wilderness to see what I can find. Even if I’m alone, at least I’ll have Billie
Holiday’s voice to keep me company.
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