the beginning of recorded history, humans have attempted to mask or enhance
their own odor by using perfume , which emulates nature's
pleasant smells. Many natural and man-made materials have been used to make
perfume to apply to the skin and clothing, to put in cleaners and cosmetics, or
to scent the air. Because of differences in body chemistry, temperature, and
body odors, no perfume will smell exactly the same on any two people.
comes from the Latin "per" meaning "through" and
"fumum," or "smoke." Many ancient perfumes were made by
extracting natural oils from plants through pressing and steaming. The oil was
then burned to scent the air. Today, most perfume is used to scent bar soaps.
Some products are even perfumed with industrial odorants to mask unpleasant
smells or to appear "unscented."
fragrant liquids used for the body are often considered perfume, true perfumes
are defined as extracts or essences and contain a percentage of oil distilled in alcohol. Water is
also used. The United States is the world's largest perfume market with annual
sales totaling several billions of dollars.